Conferma integration

OverviewSetup instructionsAvoiding duplicate transactionsReal-time card authorization data

This article refers to a feature that might not be available in your current Brex plan. If you'd like to learn more about this feature and how to unlock additional capabilities in Brex's upgraded plans, please have your account or card admin reach out to Brex Support by clicking on Support in your dashboard.


Premium Enterprise Smart card

Conferma is a payments platform that connects businesses and suppliers for digitized commerce. In the travel space, Conferma connects with more than 700 travel management companies, all the major global distribution systems and over 100 online booking solutions to integrate virtual cards into point of sale. Brex’s integration with Conferma allows travel management companies to provision Brex virtual cards for hotel bookings and other travel spend on your employees’ behalf. If you use the Conferma integration for travel scenarios, your employees can add their card to their mobile wallet using the Conferma app (iOS App Store, Google Play Store). This can make hotel check in and other travel-related purchases easier. Please reach out to Brex Support if you are interested in this feature.

Setup instructions

To generate an API Access token as an account or card admin, please follow these instructions: You will need to set up one API token per country (and currency) that you want to use with Conferma. For information about supported countries and currencies, contact your Brex representative. Step 1: Sign in to your dashboard and go to Settings > Developer. Step 2: Click Create token.

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Step 3: Name the API Token “[Entity + Currency] via Conferma.” Step 4: Select these permissions under Team:

  • Users: Read
  • Cards: Read/Write
  • Card numbers: Read

Step 5: Select these permissions under Transactions:

  • Card transactions: Read

Step 6: Select these permissions under Budgets:

  • Budgets: Read/Write

Step 7: Select these permissions under Expenses

  • Card expenses: Read
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Step 8: Click Create token and then Allow access. Step 9: Save the token in a secure location and reach out to your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager for a secure link to share the API token. Don’t send the token info over email. Step 10: Your Implementation Consultant or Customer Success Manager will be in touch to complete your setup and training When you create a virtual card using the Conferma integration, it will automatically appear in the Brex dashboard, nested under a procurement budget that will be created for you. That's it — no further action is required.

Avoiding duplicate transactions

Brex automatically prevents exporting transactions to your ERP directly if they were created through the Conferma virtual card method. This is done by marking transactions made through the virtual card as ineligible for export. If you’d prefer to make all transactions available for export from Brex, please reach out to us at Brex Support.

Real-time card authorization data

Travel agencies can integrate with Conferma's webhook to see Brex card authorization and decline decisions in real time. This helps them to monitor card acceptance rates and fall back to other cards if needed. Travel agencies can integrate with the webhook directly by referencing Conferma's API documentation. For any additional support, customers can submit a ticket using Conferma’s portal here or by emailing

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