Brex Community

OverviewRegister for Brex CommunityUsing community supportCommunity discussionsPostingMaking suggestions


Brex Community is a platform where all Brex users can connect in one digital space. It was built to foster customer connections and provide a space for customers to share feedback with Brex. Your engagement will help us identify areas of improvement and ensure that the platform is a valuable resource for customers like you.

Register for Brex Community

Any active user on a Brex account can join the Brex Community by following these steps: Step 1: Go to Brex Community and click Register in the top right. Step 2: Fill out the registration form using the email address associated with your Brex account. Step 3: Once you complete the registration form, your community profile will be confirmed within one business day.

Using community support

Our support forum is a great place to find tips for using Brex, and our community can be a helpful resource for answering questions. Note: When participating in the Brex Community, please remember to communicate kindly and respectfully.

Community discussions

The Brex Community discussion forum is a space where you can connect with other Brex customers. By participating in the community, you can seek answers to your questions or offer up your own experiences, insights, and solutions.


Creating a new post

Before you post, you can use the search feature to see if your question has already been asked and answered. If you do find an existing post about your question, feel free to share your own experience to help other community members. If you can’t find any existing threads about your topic, you can create a new post by following these steps: Step 1: Draft a clear and concise title that summarizes your issue or question. Step 2: Provide detailed information in the body of your post. Include relevant context, steps you've taken, and any error messages. Step 3: Use our recommended formatting to enhance readability. Bullet points, numbered lists, and code formatting can be helpful. Step 4: Respond promptly to any follow-up questions or requests for clarification from other users or moderators

Using @ mentions

The community supports two types of @mention capabilities — user mentions and content mentions — that let you tag other community members and community content within a post.

Content mentions

You can use a content mention to link specific posts within the body of a message. This lets you embed a link to other community content quickly. Step 1: Type the @ symbol and any keywords in the subject or body of the message you want to link to. You can enter multiple words, so long as all words are in the subject and/or body. Step 2: As you type, search results appear in the pop-up. Click on the entry you want to tag.

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Step 3: When you select an item in the list, the post’s subject is highlighted with a hyperlink in the body of your message. Note: When content is mentioned in posts, authors are sent email notifications.

User mentions

User mentions let you call out specific users in your post and invite them to join the conversation. Here is how to @mention a user within a post: Step 1: After you click Reply, type the “@” symbol followed by their username. For example, to mention the admin, type “@admin.” Step 2: A pop-up menu appears with matching names as you type. You can continue typing the name or select a name from the list. Step 3: If successfully entered, the mentioned username will be written in blue text.

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Note: When users are mentioned in posts, they receive an email notification.

Tags and labels

Be sure to tag your post with relevant labels. This helps others locate your post and ensures it's seen by those who can help. If you can’t find a relevant tag, you can use the suggestion box to let us know and we may be able to make it available in the future.

Monitoring replies and notifications

By enabling notifications, you’ll receive updates when someone replies to your posts or relevant discussions. To make sure you don’t miss anything, you’ll want to regularly check your inbox for private messages or updates on your threads.

Closing the loop

Once your issue is resolved, it’s helpful to update your post and include the resolution in case others have similar issues. If any community members tried to help, we encourage you to acknowledge them. A positive community encourages collaboration!

Reporting issues and feedback

You can report any issues with the support forum either from within the forum or by sending the community moderator a message. If you have suggestions for improvement, let us know in the suggestion box. Constructive feedback helps the community platform evolve and meet everyone’s needs.

Making suggestions

We strongly encourage you to use the Brex Community suggestion box to submit your ideas, feedback, and suggestions for improving our products, features, and community. Your input is invaluable! When submitting your suggestion, please use the same guidelines as you would when posting in the Brex community. This includes checking to see if a similar suggestion already exists and tagging your suggestion with relevant labels. Please be specific about your idea and why it will enhance the product experience. You can also read suggestions from other community members and provide constructive feedback. If you find an idea interesting, you can express this using the voting feature.

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