Brex and Workday RaaS

OverviewSetupAdding custom user fieldsAdjusting Workday Security Group permissionsAuto-deactivate usersWorkday HRIS


Workday Reports-as-a-Service (RaaS) enables Workday admins to expose custom reports as an available web service.


If you want to onboard users to your Brex account from your Workday account, follow the steps below: Step 1: In Workday, search “Create Custom Report” and click the link to begin setup. Step 2: Enter a report name, set the report type to Advanced, and choose the data source of the employees you wish to import. Step 3: Specify a data source for the filtered employees. For example, if you never want to provision interns or contractors on Brex, filter them out. Step 4: Click Enable As Web Service. Step 5: Add fields you want to map to Brex using the specified column heading overrides below.

Column heading overrideRequiredDescriptionExample values
work_emailEmployee’s work
first_name* *legal name for issuing cardsEmployee’s legal first nameJane
last_nameEmployee’s legal last nameDoe
time_typeEnumeration: “FULL TIME” “PART TIME” “CONTRACTOR” “INTERN” “FREELANCE”Full time
activeEmployee’s employment status, under Worker_Status_DataType Active -> 1 Inactive -> 01
start_dateEmployee start date2016-01-01
employee_idEmployee’s Workday IDabc123
manager_id Employee Manager’s Workday IDdef456
employee_display_id A custom display identifier for the employee (e.g. “employee number”)42
job_title Employee job titleCEO
work_location Employee’s work location, for use in budget provisioningSan Francisco HQ
legal_entity The legal entity the Employee works under, for use in budget provisioning
cost_center The cost center the Employee works under, for use in budget provisioning
department The department the Employee works under, for use in budget provisioning
custom_user_field_1. Value name can be customized (using snake_case) and will be visible in Team and Fields library Any additional fields you’d like to bring into the Brex platform. If you encounter any issues, see the Adjusting Workday Security Group permissions section of this page

Step 6: Get the Web Service Report URL in JSON format. Step 7: Let Brex Support know that you have completed the above steps. We’ll give you instructions on how to provide it. Note: Please do not send credentials to Brex. Step 8: Once set up, we’ll ask you to link an HR connection to Workday through the Team page. You can follow the instructions in this article. You need to add managers in Brex to be assigned to their direct report’s user profiles.

Adding custom user fields

To import custom user fields, add additional fields to your Workday RaaS report either during or after setup. Please see the steps below: Step 1: In Workday, find your existing RaaS report and click the link to view your report. Step 2: Click the three dots and, from the Custom report section, click Edit. Step 3: Click + to add an additional row to your report and enter the information for the new field you want imported into Brex. Note: The Column Heading Override XML Alias value is what your field will be referred to within Brex. You must provide it in snake case (i.e., snake_case) to comply with XML standards. Step 4: Click OK to finalize your changes and click Run to save them. Brex will now have access to your updated report. Note: If you don’t see the new field in Brex after the sync completes, security policy changes may be required for Brex to access the added custom user field data. Please see the Adjusting Workday Security Group permissions section of this article for more information.

Adjusting Workday Security Group permissions

When you bring in new custom user fields, you may need to update the permissions for the Security Group used during your Workday RaaS integration setup in order for Brex services to access the data. To do this, follow the steps below: Step 1: In your Workday, search for Maintain Permissions for Security Group and click the link. Step 2: In the form, select Maintain as the Operation and select the security group name that was used for your Brex Integration Systems User in Source Security Group. Step 3: Click + to add a new permission to the Domain Security Policy Permissions tab. Step 4: Under View/Modify Access, select Get Only, and under Domain Security Policy, search for the field that was added to your Brex Workday RaaS Report. Step 5: In your Workday, search for Activate Pending Security Policy Changes and click the link. Step 6: Review permission changes in the following screens and finalize them. Step 7: In your Workday, search for your existing RaaS report and click the link to view your report. Step 8: Click the three dots and, from the Custom Report section, click Run to save your changes. Brex can now access your updated report.

Auto-deactivate users

The auto-deactivate setting automatically deactivates users in your Brex account when they are terminated in Workday. You can set this up with Workday RaaS by following the steps below: Step 1: Set the active column of terminated users to 0 in the report. Do not remove them entirely. Step 2: Click your name in the top right and go to Integrations > Connected HRIS. Step 3: Click Manage and, on Automatic deactivate, click Enable.

Workday HRIS

If you reconnect the Workday HRIS integration, you do not need to re-send the JSON URL to us.

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