Accrued spending

OverviewEnable accrued spendingSet up your accrued expenses GL accountBook auto-reversing accruals to your ERP

This article refers to a feature that might not be available in your current Brex plan. If you'd like to learn more about this feature and how to unlock additional capabilities in Brex's upgraded plans, please have your account or card admin reach out to Brex Support by clicking on Support in your dashboard.


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You can prepare and export transactions as accruals instead of actuals, so they’ll be auto-reversed on a future date of your choice. Accounting teams typically book transactions that aren’t fully approved or not fully categorized as accruals, by the time they need to close their books.

Enable accrued spending

If you’re using NetSuite, your account admin can request this feature by reaching out to Brex Support from their dashboard.

Set up your accrued expenses GL account

Step 1: Go to Accounting and click Field and rules > Entity settings. Step 2: Select the entity you’d like to configure. Step 3: Scroll down to Accrued liability and choose the GL account where you want to book accrued expenses.

Book auto-reversing accruals to your ERP

Step 1: Go to Accounting > Prepare. Step 2: Select the transactions you want to post as accruals and click Send as accrual. These transactions will be moved to Review, with an Accrual status in the Prepared as column. Step 3: Go to Review and confirm that the transactions are correctly categorized. Step 4: Select the transactions you want to export as accruals and click Export to open the details window. Step 5: Choose an auto-reversal date for accruals (typically the first of the following month), select your Export type (either Direct to NetSuite or CSV), and click Next.

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Step 6: Click Export. We’ll book two entries to your NetSuite instance. The first entry will post on the current period and will debit the expense account you chose and credit your Accrued Liability account.

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The second entry (the reversal entry) will post on the Auto reversal date you chose in Step 5. It will credit the expense account and debit your Accrued Expenses account.

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Step 7: Once it's auto-reversed, the transaction will reappear in Prepare. It will be available to be re-posted either as an actual or accrual, which you can do by going to Prepare > Review > Export. Note: You can only edit and re-post the transaction in your dashboard on or after your chosen auto reversal date.

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