Tiered rewards

On a tiered rewards structure, you’ll earn points automatically at your contracted base rate. These rewards are applied when an expense clears. If you meet the committed spend requirement within a measurement period, you’ll receive a one-time points grant at the end of your measurement period. Your one time grant will be for the difference between the already accrued points and the total earned points based on the structure of your custom rewards agreement. In some instances, you may receive periodic rewards grants based on spend performance during a measurement period to provide earlier access to earned points. This one-time points grant will appear in Points history in your dashboard as a Miscellaneous line item. You can see your total earned rewards in Rewards > Points history. Note: When you click on an individual card expense, you’ll only see the rewards amount granted at the base rate, not the additional points earned in the true-up. You’ll see the base rewards rate at the top of your Points history page. This won’t change to the higher tier rate, even if you have met the committed spend requirement. For more information on your tiered rewards structure, or any questions regarding true-ups, please contact your CSM.

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