Multiple Brex business accounts
If you’re approved for a Brex business account, account admins can create up to 240 individual accounts under one EIN. The individual accounts will have unique account numbers but the same permissions as your primary account. They can be used to deposit funds for various reasons, including different categories of spending. Account admins will also be able to transfer funds instantly between accounts. With checking, treasury, vault If you have a Brex business account with a checking account, you can have up to 240 checking accounts, but you will only be able to have one vault and one treasury account. With checking, treasury, vault Account admins can move funds instantly from checking account to checking account and transfer funds, subject to processing times, from their vault account to checking accounts or treasury account to checking accounts.
Without checking, treasury, vault For Brex cards with daily payments, limits are based only on the balance in your primary Brex business account — not the aggregate balance across multiple accounts. Payments will be automatically pulled daily from your primary Brex business account balance. For Brex cards with monthly payments, limits are based on the sum total of all Brex business account balances, as well as balances from connected external bank accounts. With checking, treasury, vault For Brex cards with daily payments, limits are based on the aggregate balance across your primary checking,treasury, and vault accounts. Payments will be automatically pulled daily from your primary checking account balance first, with any necessary overdraft subsequently pulled from your treasury and vault accounts, in that order. With checking, treasury, vault For Brex cards with monthly payments, limits are based on your primary checking, treasury, and vault accounts, as well as balances from connected external bank accounts.
In your dashboard Without checking, treasury, vault
To create an additional Brex business account, follow the steps below. Step 1: In your Brex dashboard, navigate to Accounts > Add account> Add Brex business account. Alternatively, click on Add new account at the bottom of the table. Step 2: Review the account features. Step 3: Create a name for the account to help you differentiate it from other Brex business accounts (i.e. “Operating Account”). Click Next. Step 4: Review the Terms & Conditions and if you agree, click Finish. Step 5: On the Business account page under the Accounts tab, you’ll now see the new account in the Business accounts section.
In your dashboard With checking, treasury, vault
To create an additional checking account, follow the steps below. Step 1: In your Brex dashboard, navigate to Accounts > Add account > Add checking account. Alternatively, click on Add checking account at the bottom of the table. Step 2: Review the account features. Step 3: Create a name for the account to help you differentiate it from other checking accounts (i.e. “Operating Account”). Click Next. Step 4: Review the Terms & Conditions and if you agree, click Finish. Step 5: On the Business account page under the Accounts tab, you’ll now see the new account in the Business accounts section.
In your app Without checking, treasury, vault
Users can create, move money between, and manage many aspects of multiple accounts in the Brex mobile app. Step 1: Sign in to the Brex app and tap the $ icon at the bottom of the home screen. Step 2: On the Business accounts page, tap the Primary account dropdown menu. Step 3: Tap Create account. Step 4: Follow instructions to approve terms and conditions, and create an account nickname. Step 5: Transfer funds from an existing Brex business account to fund your new account and start using it.
In your app With checking, treasury, vault
Users can create, move money between, and manage many aspects of multiple accounts in the Brex mobile app. Step 1: Sign in to the Brex app and tap the Accounts at the bottom of the home screen. Step 2: Click Add checking account below your existing accounts. Step 3: Follow instructions to approve terms and conditions, and create an account nickname. Step 4: Transfer funds from an existing checking account to fund your new account and start using it.
Customizing Brex business accounts
While you cannot change the name of your primary Brex business account, you can update the name of your other accounts under Accounts > Business accounts in your dashboard. Click the Brex business account you want to update and go to Manage account > Edit account name to enter a new name. With checking, treasury, vault If you have a Brex business account with a Checking account, you will not be able to change the name of your primary Checking account, but you can update the names of additional Checking accounts under Accounts > Business accounts in your dashboard. Click the account you want to update and go to Manage settings > Account name to enter a new name.
Account admin permissions
Account admins approved for a Brex business account can have up to 240 separate accounts under one EIN, all with the same permissions. Permissions can be adjusted for all accounts from the Team tab of your Brex dashboard under Users.
Transferring funds between your business accounts
Move money easily and instantly between your Brex business accounts by following the steps below.
In the dashboard Without checking, treasury, vault
Step 1: Go to Accounts > Brex business accounts > Move money > Transfer between accounts. Step 2: Choose the account you want to transfer the funds from, the account you want to transfer the funds to, and click Next. Step 3: Enter the amount that you want to transfer and click Next. Step 4: Review the transfer details and click Transfer funds.
In the dashboard With checking, treasury, vault
Step 1: Go to Accounts > Brex business accounts > Move money > Transfer between accounts. Step 2: Choose the account you want to transfer the funds from, the account you want to transfer the funds to, and click Next. Note: You can transfer funds between your checking account and vault or treasury account as often as you like, with no cap on the amount of funds you can move. However, you cannot move funds between your vault and treasury account. Step 3: Enter the amount that you want to transfer and click Next. Step 4: Review the transfer details and click Transfer funds.
In the app Without checking, treasury, vault
Step 1: Sign in to the Brex app and tap the $ icon at the bottom of the home screen. Step 2: On the Brex business accounts page, tap Deposit near the top. Step 3: Tap Between Brex business accounts. Step 4: Select which account you want money to be transferred from, and what account you’d like the money transferred to. Step 5: Select Transfer amount. Step 6: Confirm your transfer to immediately transfer the funds between accounts.
In the app With checking, treasury, vault
Step 1: Sign in to the Brex app and tap Accounts at the bottom of the home screen. Step 2: On the Brex business accounts page, tap Transfer near the top. Step 3: Select which account you want money to be transferred from, and what account you’d like the money transferred to. Note that it is not possible to transfer funds between your treasury and vault account. Step 4: Select Transfer amount. Step 5: Confirm your transfer to immediately transfer the funds between accounts.