Expense filters
Below are all the filter options you can use in your dashboard’s Expenses or Wallet page. Note: Depending on your user type and the Brex products you use, some of these filters may not appear.
- Amount: Filter for expenses of a certain amount.
- Input only a min value for “greater than.”
- Input only a max value for “less than.”
- Input both a min and max value to specify a range.
- Approval: Filter for expenses based on their current standing in the chain of approval.
- Pending your approval: You’re currently up in the review chain. Other users might be able to approve this expense too.
- Pending another approval: Other users are in the review chain before you, or you might not be in the review chain at all.
- Brex travel spend
- Brex travel spend only: Filter for expenses generated by Brex travel bookings.
- Brex travel spend excluded: Exclude Brex travel booking expenses.
- Request type: Filter for expenses that came from a specified request type(s).
- Spend limit: Filter for expenses that belong to a certain spend limit(s).
- Card’s last 4: Filter for expenses that came from a certain card(s).
- Department: Filter for expenses that came from a certain department(s).
- Expense owner: Filter for whose expenses to show.
- Everybody: Show everyone’s expenses for the spend limits you are a part of. If you’re an admin this will be everyone’s expenses for every spend limit.
- All my reports: Show everyone in your reporting pyramid’s expenses for the spend limits you are a part of.
- My reports: Show only your direct reports’ expenses for the spend limits you’re a part of.
- My own: Show only your expenses for the spend limits you’re a part of.
- Flagged expense: Filter for only expenses flagged by Brex’s AI.
- Merchant category: Filter for expenses from a certain merchant category(s).
- Transaction type: Filter for a certain type of expense.
- Card expense: The expense came from a Brex-issued card.
- Reimbursement: The expense came from a reimbursement request.
- Repayment: The repayment came from either a card or reimbursement request.
- Bill: The expense came from a bill pay request.
- Trip: Filter for expenses from a certain trip(s) booked through Brex travel.
- User: Filter for expenses from a certain user(s).
- Vendor: Filter for expenses from a certain merchant(s) or vendor(s).
- Approval status: Filter expenses based on their current status of approval.
- Submitted/Repayment requested: An expense is submitted for approval, but is currently either waiting on approval or is missing receipt/memos according to the expense policy.
- Approved: An expense is approved and fully compliant with the policy, or has been approved by an admin with an override of the policy requirements.
- Canceled: A reimbursement expense was canceled after being submitted or a card expense was declined at time of card swipe.
- Denied / Pending repayment: A reimbursement or card expense was denied by a reviewer or is pending repayment.
- Dispute status: Filter for expenses that underwent a dispute/chargeback.
- Closed: The dispute has been completed.
- In progress: The dispute is currently ongoing.
- Payment status: Filter expenses based on their current status of payment.
- Processing/Not paid: The expense’s payment is processing.
- For card expenses, the card swipe is pending and hasn’t cleared yet.
- For reimbursements, the funds are currently being sent to the employee.
- For repayments, collection of funds from the employee is processing and hasn’t completed yet.
- Declined/Failed: The payment for an expense failed. The expense details panel provides the detailed reasons why a payment failed.
- A card expens’s payment was declined.
- A reimbursement’s payment to the employee failed for a certain reason.
- A repayment’s completion failed.
- Completed: The card expense/reimbursement payment has completed.
- Paid: The repayment has been paid to employees.
- Chargeback: A chargeback was initiated for a card expense.
- Cash advance: A cash advance was taken using a card.
- Refunded: A card expense was refunded.
- Refunding: A card expense’s refund is in progress.
- Awaiting payment: Money movement has not yet begun.
- For reimbursements, the request is either still awaiting approval, or has been approved, but the funds haven’t been sent to the employee yet.
- For repayments, the request hasn’t been accepted by the employee, or has been accepted, but collection of the employee’s funds hasn’t yet begun.
- Processing/Not paid: The expense’s payment is processing.
- Reimbursement export status:
- Exported: The reimbursement expense has been exported to ERP.
- Not exported: The reimbursement expense has not been exported to ERP.
- User status: Filter for expenses that are tied to a certain type of user.
- Active: The user is currently active.
- Deleted: The user has been deleted. Deleted users cannot be reactivated.
- Disabled: The user who previously had access, but has since had access removed, either because they left the company or an admin temporarily removed access. Disabled users can be reactivated.
- Approvers
- Filter based on the name of the approver.
- Government attendees
- Government official added: A government official was added as an attendee on the expense.
- Documentation status
- Pending: The expense owner hasn’t provided all the required documentation.
- Completed: The expense owner has provided all the required documentation.
- Overdue: The expense owner hasn’t provided all the required documentation, and is past the company set deadline.
- Compliance status (Only visible if you’ve set up deadlines)
- Documentation: Only show expenses that are missing documentation.
- Review: Only show expenses that are still pending review/approval.
- Completed: Only show expenses that have complete documentation, even if still pending review/approval.
- Memo
- Memo added: The expense currently has a memo, regardless of policy.
- No memo: The expense doesn’t currently have a memo, regardless of policy.
- Policy
- Filter for expenses based on the associated expense policy.
- Policy flags
- Missing memo: The expense policy requires a memo, but none has been added.
- Missing receipt: The expense policy requires a receipt, but none has been added.
- Exceeds per diem: This expense brought the user over their per diem limit.
- Missing attendees: The expense policy requires attendees, but none have been added.
- Other reasons - The expense policy has flagged this expense due to another policy rule (disallowed merchants or merchant categories, invalid receipt, etc.).
- Receipt
- Receipt added: The expense has a receipt, regardless of policy.
- No receipt added: The expense doesn’t have a receipt, regardless of policy.
- Require review reason
- Filter for expenses that were flagged for review based on a particular reason.
- Date assigned to me: View expenses by the date that it was assigned to you in the review chain.
- Posted date: View card expenses by the date that the card swipe settled. View reimbursements by the date that they received final approval.
- Reimbursement submission date: View reimbursements based on the date that they were submitted. Selecting this filter will only show you reimbursement expenses.
- Transaction date: View card expenses based on the date that the expense was authorized/card was swiped. View reimbursements based on the purchase date of the item(s).
- Billed entity: Filter for expenses that belong to a certain billed entity.
- Cost center: Filter for expenses that belong to a certain cost center.
- Expense category: Filter for expenses that are part of a certain expense category.
- GL account: Filter for expenses that belong to a certain GL account.
- Reimbursement payment method
- Paid on Brex: The reimbursement was paid to an employee using Brex’s payment rails.
- Paid outside of Brex: The reimbursement was paid to an employee outside of Brex (e.g. via payroll).
- Spending entity: Filter for expenses that belong to a certain entity.