Spending on different spend limits

OverviewCreate/request spend limitAssigning a card to a different spend limitAutomatic spend limit selectionSwitch an employee’s card to a different spend limitApply an expense to a different spend limit


Spend limits help you set amounts for certain types of company spend. Since the majority of your team members will only have one physical card, they’ll need to switch the spend limit assigned to the card depending on the expense. If an employee transacts before switching their card’s assigned spend limit, they can retroactively go back and reallocate the expense to the correct spend limit.

Create/request spend limit

You and your team can set up a variety of spend limits to help determine where you’ll allocate business spend. Admins can create spend limits for themselves or the rest of the team, and employees can request a spend limit with specific parameters, by following the steps in this help article.

Assigning a card to a different spend limit

Team members each have one card that can be used to spend from any spend limit. If you have multiple spend limits, you can toggle the spend limit tied to your card, so that transactions are instantly spent from the appropriate spend limit. Note: Virtual cards created exclusively for a spend limit are known as spend limit cards, and will be permanently assigned to that spend limit. As they cannot be reassigned, all expenses made on a spend limit card will fall under its assigned spend limit. Spend limit cards are indicated by a white card icon, whereas regular cards have a black or gold icon. Card users can create up to one virtual spend limit card per spend limit. To switch the spend limit assigned to your Brex card, follow the steps below.

In the dashboard

Step 1: Go to Wallet and find the card you want to assign to a different spend limit. If it isn’t your primary card, click View all spend limits and cards and choose it from the list. Step 2: Click Switch spend limit and choose the spend limit you want to spend from using the dropdown menu. Note: You’ll see your Brex card set as the primary card on the Wallet page. If you have more than one Brex card, you can change your primary card.

In the app

Step 1a: In Wallet, tap Switch limit. Step 1b: If you’d like to switch the spend limit of a card other than your primary card, scroll down to find the card under Other cards. Tap the card you’d like to assign a different spend limit to, and tap Manage. Step 2: Tap Select next to the spend limit you’d like your card to spend from.

Automatic spend limit selection

Account and card admins can enable accidental decline protection, to help decrease the chances that a transaction will be declined due to the employee setting their card to the wrong spend limit. Once the feature is enabled, it will be visible to all card-holding employees on your account.

In the dashboard

Step 1: Go to Company settings > Brex Assistant. Step 2: Toggle on Accidental limit protection. Note: You can disable this later by toggling it off. Step 3: Ask any cardholders who are members of two or more limits to go to Wallet in their dashboard or app to enable this feature for their employee cards.

  • In their dashboard: Have them toggle on Protect against accidental card declines.
  • In their app: Have them toggle on Protect against card declines.

If a user’s transaction declines due to the limit assignment of an employee card, we will automatically assign one — deferring to spend limits with enough funds and no contradicting rules. After the transaction, the user will receive a notification — either via SMS, email, or their dashboard — confirming which spend limit we assigned. They can always reassign the expense to a more appropriate spend limit. Note: Declined transactions cannot be assigned to a limit after the decline occurs.

Switch an employee’s card to a different spend limit


So long as your employee already has an assigned spend limit, account or card admins can switch an employee card to a different spend limit by following the steps below: Step 1: In your dashboard, go to Cards and Limits > Card. Step 2: Click on the employee card that you want to assign a different spend limit. Step 3: In the details window, click Switch limit. The user will receive an email, text, and push (depending on their notification settings) informing them of the limit change.

Apply an expense to a different spend limit

If you’ve already transacted on your card and need the transaction retroactively moved to a different spend limit, follow the steps below. Note: Transactions can only be reassigned to spend limits whose limits, restrictions, and policies allow those transaction types. For example, you wouldn’t be able to move a transaction at a gas station into a spend limit that restricts purchases that fall into the Gas & fuel category.

Edit a single expense

In your dashboard

Step 1: Account and card admins can go to Expenses to edit the expense of another user. Personal expenses can be edited in Wallet.

Step 2: Click on the expense you want to reassign to a different spend limit.

Step 3: In the details pane, under spend limit, click the spend limit name.

Step 4: From the dropdown menu, select the spend limit you want to reassign the transaction to. You can type the spend limit’s name into the search bar to help locate it.

If the spend limit reassignment failed for any reason, you’ll see a popup window telling you why this happened.

In your app

Step 1: From the homescreen of your Brex app, go to your Wallet and tap the expense you want to update. If this was an older expense, tap All expenses to find the desired expense.

Step 2: In the Selected spend limit section, tap Manage with the name of the current spend limit.

Step 3: Check the spend limit that you want the expense assigned to. You can type the spend limit’s name into the search bar to help locate it.

If the spend limit reassignment failed for any reason, you’ll see a popup window telling you why this happened.

Edit multiple expenses

In your dashboard

Step 1: Account and card admins can go to Expenses to edit the expense of another user. Personal expenses can be edited in Wallet.

Step 2: Check the box to the left of all the expenses you want to change the spend limit of.

Step 3: Click the pencil icon at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: In the details pane, under spend limit, click the spend limit name.

Step 5: From the dropdown menu, select the spend limit you want to reassign the transaction to. You can type the spend limit’s name into the search bar to help locate it.

Step 6: Click Edit [#] expenses.

If the spend limit reassignment failed for any reason, you’ll see a popup window telling you why this happened.

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